S.no |
Description |
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1 | Non Official Expert Members of Executive Committee |  |
2 | Non Official Expert Members of Governing Body Executive Committee and Monitoring Group |  |
3 | Non Official Expert Members of Governing Body |  |
4 | Format for submission of Integrated APO |  |
5 | Perspective plan for utilization of NPV funds for improvement of forests and wildlife habitat |  |
6 | 2nd meeting of Project Monitoring Committee to review the Schemes/Projects supported by National CAMPA held on 20.02.2024 |  |
7 | Notification for selection committee for Non-Official Expert Members of the Governing Body, Executive Committee and Monitoring Group of National CAMPA |  |
8 | Corrigendum-Compensatory Afforestation Rule-39 |  |
9 | Notification: Non Official Expert Members of Governing Body, Executive Committee and Monitoring Group of National CAMPA |  |
10 | Notification on the non-official members of the Governing Body of National Authority dated 24.01.2025 |  |
11 | Notification on non-official members of the Executive Committee of National Authority dated 24.01.2025 |  |
12 | Minutes of the meeting under the Chairmanship of the DGF&SS on review of the progress of schemes dated 21.05.2024 |  |
13 | Minutes of the review meeting held under the Chairmanship of DGF&SS on 02.09.2024 |  |
14 | Minutes of Parliamentary Consultative Committee meeting for MoEF&CC held on 23.01.2025 on the subject "Use of funds available with CAMPA" |  |
15 | Notification on non-official members of the Monitoring Group of National Authority dated 06.03.2025 |  |