Ans1: As per Section 2(d) of the Compensatory Afforestation Fund Act, 2016, ‘Compensatory Afforestation’ means afforestation done in lieu of the diversion of forest land for non-forestry use under the Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980.
Ans2: National Compensatory Afforestation Fund Management and Planning Authority envisions rebuilding and enriching forests and biodiversity through compensatory afforestation, re-afforestation and restoration for enhancing life sustaining ecosystem services.
Ans3: The various permissible activities under CAMPA are:
For details refer the Compensatory Afforestation Fund Act, 2016 and Rules, 2018.
Ans4: The monies released as compensatory levies under sub-rule (1) of the CAF Rules, 2018 shall not be used for following activities, namely:
Ans5: The National Authority comprises of Governing Body, Executive Committee and Monitoring Group. The State Authorities have their respective Governing Body, Steering Committee and Executive Committee in each State and Union Territory. There are 34 State & UT CAMPA Authorities constituted in States and Union Territories.
An6: The nursery portal aims at consolidating the information about saplings available in forest nurseries of various States/UTs with the local people interested to procure the saplings. The portal will act as a single point of information and management information system of forest nurseries across the country for the benefit of the people.
An7: The CAF Act, 2016 provide for the establishment of funds under the public accounts of India and the public accounts of each State and crediting thereto the monies received from the user agencies towards compensatory afforestation, additional compensatory afforestation, penal compensatory afforestation, net present value and all other amounts recovered from such agencies under the Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980; constitution of an authority at National level and at the level of each of the State and Union Territory Administration for administration of the funds and to utilise the monies so collected for undertaking compensatory afforestation, artificial regeneration (plantations), assisted natural regeneration, protection of forests, forest related infrastructure development, Green India Programme, wildlife protection and other related activities and for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto.
Ans8: The Compensatory Afforestation Act, 2016 (CAF Act, 2016) was enacted on 3rd August, 2016. The CAF Rules, 2018 were notified on 10th August, 2018. The CAF Act and Rules came into effect from 30.09.2018. The notifications/official gazettes under which the State CAMPA authorities have been formed can be reference from Notifications icon in the menu bar in the home page this official website of National Authority.
Ans9: As per Section 2(h) of the CAF Act, 2016, National Authority means National Compensatory Afforestation Fund Management and Planning Authority constituted under Section 8 of the Compensatory Afforestation Fund Act, 2016 and Rules, 2018.
Ans10: As per Section 2(e) of the CAF Act, 2016, “environmental services” includes:
Ans11: As per Section 2(p) of the CAF Act, 2016, “user agency” means any person, organisation or company or department of the Central Government or State Government making a request for diversion or de-notification of forest land for non-forest purpose or using forest land for non-forest purpose in accordance with the provisions contained in the Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980 and the rules made and guidelines issued, thereunder.
Ans12: “Annual Plan of Operation” means the annual plan for physical Activities and financial provisions approved by the National Authority or State Authority as the case may be, which describes milestones, conditions for success and explains how, a strategic annual plan will be put into operation during the financial year in given budgetary term, and containing inter alia, brief description, estimated cost, basis for cost estimation, agency identified for execution and time schedule of each Activity to be executed from State Fund during a year;