S.no |
Description |
Click to Download |
1 | Guidelines regarding unspent balance funds with States/UTs CAMPA |  |
2 | Integrated APO formats |  |
3 | Guidelines for procurement of vehicles utilizing CAMPA fund |  |
4 | Guidelines for proposing schemes for National Funding |  |
5 | Guiding principles on Comprehensive Ecological Restoration of the degraded forest and non forest lands |  |
6 | Inviting proposals for ecological restoration of the degraded forest and nonforest lands |  |
7 | Perspective Plan for utilization of NPV funds |  |
8 | Guidelines on Nagar Van Yojana |  |
9 | Preparation of Annual Plan of Operation of State/ Union Territory CAMPA- Utilisation of funds under Net Present Value and Interest components regarding |  |
10 | Operational Guidelines on MISHTI Programme |  |
11 | Operational Guidelines on MISHTI Programme |  |
12 | Convergence Guidelines of MISHTI and Mahatma Gandhi NREGS |  |
13 | Guidelines on handling of Parliament Questions/ Parliament matters |  |
14 | Guidelines for Annual Plan of Operations under CAF Act, 2016 and Rules, 2018 |  |